
Declutter Tip: Identify What You Love

When trying to declutter, one question to ask yourself is if you love an item. If the answer is yes, then is it displayed where you can enjoy it regularly? It can be displayed on a shelf, hung prominently in your closet, or be the first thing you see when you open a cupboard door.

What Items Make You Smile

Items that make you smile when you see them, remind you of people or events you cherish, and put in a better mood should not be hidden away. They need to be visible so they can be enjoyed. Even if it needs to be stored in a box to protect it, make sure the box is accessible so you take a peek at it from time to time.

Identify What You Enjoy Having Around

Once you identify what you love to have around, ask yourself the following questions: 

If you already display and enjoy it, good for you! If it is not displayed, why not? What do you have out that you don't love? Consider getting rid of that so you can make room for something you do.

And as an added challenge, if you don't love something, why not remove it permanently? You can give away, donate, or sell; the result is you make space to enjoy the things that you love.

I'm doing this challenge myself. The photo shows some of the costume jewelry that was my grandmother's. While I have worn the pieces on occasion, they are stored away in boxes and I forget I have them. I want to find a way to safely store them and also put them in a place I look at often. This way I'll be able to visually enjoy them, and maybe I'll even find an occasion to wear them.

Want more tips to declutter your home? Declutter One Small Space: Avoid Overwhelm While Creating Space is out!

Step-by-step instructions help you to choose one small area, gather the supplies you need, and get it decluttered. Practical and empowering tips help you sort and purge effectively so you keep what you want and need and get rid of what no longer fits your life.

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