Showing posts with label decluttering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label decluttering. Show all posts


Decluttering For Others

 After I moved in with my boyfriend, I helped him declutter several spaces in the house. The pantry was relieved of boxed and canned goods, some of which had expired 3 years before. The hall closet was cleared of expired medicines, and organized to make it easier to find things.

My  Challenge

 Eight months later, the hall closet needed another going over. I wanted to check for medicines that had expired since the previous clean out, and I wanted to further declutter and organize things better.

 One thing, however, challenged me. Air diffusers. For some reason I had trouble releasing them, even though we use a different brand around the house. I was stumped as to why I had so much trouble with these. We don't use them, I hadn't even looked for one of them to use, they would require a different brand refill if we wanted to use them AND if I threw them out, they would be easy and inexpensive to replace.

 What was my block?

They weren't mine.

 I hadn't made the choice to purchase them, and I wasn't sure if he wanted to use them again.

This is important to remember. It is hard to declutter another person's things because you don't know how they feel. Even if they say “get rid of all my old t-shirts” there may be one in there that they want to keep. The criteria they may have for choosing what to keep and what to release is not mine.

 The person the items belong to needs to be involved in the. This may mean that half of a closet is decluttered and organized while the other half isn't, but it is better than getting rid of items someone else treasured. (And chances are, once the other person sees how the other half looks, they want the same results for their things!)

Want more tips to declutter your home? Declutter One Small Space: Avoid Overwhelm While Creating Space is out!

Step-by-step instructions help you to choose one small area, gather the supplies you need, and get it decluttered. Practical and empowering tips help you sort and purge effectively so you keep what you want and need and get rid of what no longer fits your life.


Declutter Tip: Pass On To Others

When you declutter, what happens to things you want to get rid of? If the item has some use left in it, why not see who you can pass it on to. 

Who Could You Pass It On To?

It is often easier to let go of something if you know it will go to someone who will use it. Who do you know that would enjoy and use the items you no longer need? It may be a friend or family member. It may be a co-worker. It may be a charity that collects items to give to people setting up a household.

A few years ago, a friend decluttered her bathroom. When finished, she gifted me with a variety of hair gels, creams, and mousses. Since we have a similar type of hair, it meant I didn't have to buy hair products for months. As an added bonus for me, I got to sample brands and products new to me and learn what worked with my hair and what didn't. My friend gave herself the gift of space in her home.

Be Sure To Declutter Them

One word of caution: do not let the desire to find someone to pass things on to prevent you from releasing them from your life and home. This was a mistake I made. I had household items I no longer needed but wasn't sure what to do with them. I would keep boxes of things for weeks trying to figure out who would want them. I finally realized that if I didn't know someone to ask while sorting, it was better to load into my car and take to a local charity drop off as soon as I had finished.

Be sure to check items for an expiration date and throw away anything past that date. Some personal care items may not have an expiration date, but for health and safety reasons the trash is a safer place for them. Do some research and use your best judgment and remember....if in doubt, throw it out!

Next Steps

If you know someone to give it to, great! Call them and set a day and time to drop them off. Mark on your calendar the day you will leave items at a charity collection location. If possible store items you are donating in your vehicle so they are out of your living space.

If someone offers you some of their decluttered items, choose wisely what you take. Carefully consider if this is something you would use. It is fine to take some things to try them out, but if they don't work, pass them on or trash them. Don't let them become clutter in your space!

Want more tips to declutter your home? Declutter One Small Space: Avoid Overwhelm While Creating Space is out!

Step-by-step instructions help you to choose one small area, gather the supplies you need, and get it decluttered. Practical and empowering tips help you sort and purge effectively so you keep what you want and need and get rid of what no longer fits your life.

Declutter Tip: Keep What Makes You Happy

Lidded jar filled with marbles in all colors.
Successfully decluttering means you have to make some hard decisions Should I keep it or let it go? One thing to ask yourself is if the item makes you happy.

What We Kept

A few years ago, my husband received a box from his mom. Among the things inside were toys he had as a child. It was like Christmas in the middle of summer as he pulled the items out and shared his memories with me.

What he spent the most time looking at and talking about was a plastic bag filled with marbles.

Marbles in all colors and different sizes. Marbles he had won and traded for. Marbles he had played with, collected and saved. The joy on his face and in his voice brought me much happiness as well.

Later, he took each marble from the bag and carefully cleaned them. There was no question that these should be displayed where we could see them regularly, a visual reminder of the happy memories.

We didn't have anything that would display them properly, so I purchased the jar you see in the photo. Placed on a shelf near a window, they always make me smile when I look at them.

What Would Make You Happy To Keep?

What makes you happy when you see it? What brings a smile to your face when you look at it? These are things to consider keeping, and more importantly, to put them where you can see them regularly.

Let go of what no longer lights you up and make space for that which does.

What do you have on display that brightens your day? What is waiting in the back of a cabinet or closet that you could bring out into the light?

*Note: some items you choose to keep may be harmed by being out in light and air. Please use caution in choosing which items you display and where you display them.

Want more tips to declutter your home? Declutter One Small Space: Avoid Overwhelm While Creating Space is out!

Step-by-step instructions help you to choose one small area, gather the supplies you need, and get it decluttered. Practical and empowering tips help you sort and purge effectively so you keep what you want and need and get rid of what no longer fits your life.

Where Do I Begin? 6 Tips to Start Decluttering

One of the biggest challenges to decluttering is knowing where to begin. Let these 6 tips help you get started.

If you are facing a whole-house declutter, it can be overwhelming. The advice to “just pick something and start” is not bad, and it is better than nothing.

However, if you just jump in anywhere and start, you may find yourself coming back to the same area again. Or you may find you are decluttering separate areas, but because you can have the same item in multiple locations throughout your home, you may still have clutter.

Where Do You Begin?

  1. Do not begin with anything sentimental. These are the hardest items to choose to release, and you need to save them for later, after your declutter “muscles” are better developed.
  2. Do not begin with any area that has an overwhelming amount of items in it. If you have 300 pair of shoes, that is not the best place to start. If your closet is packed, or your bookshelves are groaning with books, that may be too much to start with. Pick a smaller area.
  3. Do not try to tackle a large space. Instead, break it down. If you decide to begin with your kitchen, consider choosing one cabinet or your pantry for your first declutter session. Then plan a time to do another section.
  4. Don't wait until everything is “perfect” to begin. Yes, you'll need trash bags and boxes to sort out the trash and get rid of items, but don't think you have to have the perfect storage solution in place for the remaining items. Work with what you have to get started. You WILL find excuses not to begin, so pick a day and a time, write it on your calendar and begin.
  5.  If you have a partner, do not begin with areas that are used by both of you, especially if they are resistant to decluttering. Pick and area that is yours.
  6. Add in things that make you happy: music that energizes you, a favorite beverage to sip on, a small snack to keep you going. Make the experience more pleasant so you don't dread getting started.
The thought of decluttering can be overwhelming, especially if you need to go through your entire house. Don't let that thought stop you. Use the tips that help you decide where to start and then just BEGIN.

Want more tips to declutter your home? Declutter One Small Space: Avoid Overwhelm While Creating Space is out!

Step-by-step instructions help you to choose one small area, gather the supplies you need, and get it decluttered. Practical and empowering tips help you sort and purge effectively so you keep what you want and need and get rid of what no longer fits your life.